Thursday, July 3, 2008

Importance of Online Networking

In today's world of continuous technological advancements, it is our job to assure that we stay up-to-date with the newest methodologies of how to not only increase our network but how to manage it as well. As managers, recruiters, and executives we need to be aware of how important it is to have a solid network; not only an online network but a personal social network as well. With today's economic downturn it has become as difficult as ever to sift through the hay and find that one needle in the haystack, and even more difficult to create that sense of desire in that one candidate that we do want. So what can we do in order to create that sense of desire in these candidates? How do we find them? And how do we know if they truly are what they say they are? Having a solid network allows for a number of different advantages and can answer a lot of those questions. Here are just a few of the benefits to a strong network.
1) A wider range of talent- Creating a targeted network will give you access to employees who are currently working and have a proven track record of performance. These candidates are also known as "Passive Candidates"--- which simply means, candidates who are currently employed and are not necessarily looking for employment. These can be some of the most difficult employees to attract, but if you do your due diligence and put in the extra effort, I can assure you that your hard work will pay off.
2) A stronger referral source- This is the best way to find a great employee, simply because you get insider's info to the people that are being referred. You also have to keep in mind who the referral is coming from, of course. But its like I always say "good people know good people". How do you generate referrals you ask? Simple, if you have a large online network, all you have to do is send out an email to everyone asking if they or anyone they know are interested in your opening and let them do your work for you.
3) Company Branding- This one is an important one! Company branding involves increasing your company's presence and reputation in the marketplace. Think of Google, Apple and Microsoft; these are some of the most desired companies to work for. They are constantly on the news, advertised and written about thus creating a permanent brand in our heads that we are not likely to forget. This should be your goal, to create that desire where you have people in line just waiting to come and work for you. This can be done by increasing your network, college presence, online presence (blogs, networks, online presentations, social groups, etc...), and taking an active part in local organizations. You want people to think of your company on a regular basis and you want them to see your brand everywhere they look.
4)Personal Branding- This is just as important as Company Branding. You are solely responsible for creating a reputation for yourself. The more well-known you become, the more well-known your company becomes. As a recruiting manager (either working as a corporate recruiter or Staffing Firm) you are the face of your company and candidates and outsiders will always relate the company to you and who you are. This has two major benefits---1) With so many companies doing so many layoffs, we need to always be prepared to take that next step in our career in case we are the ones in an unfortunate situation. And there is no better way to be prepared than to already have a solid relationship established with other hiring managers in your industry. 2) You want to make sure that if someone is looking for work or is looking to help a friend, you want to be the first person to pop into some one's mind and have them referred to you, and therefore continuously generating a source of referrals.
5) Staying abreast with Industry trends- With so many new resources, social networks, and advances, we need to make sure that we are on the cutting edge of the recruiting industry. Think of it as a computer, every few months a faster, cooler sleeker computer comes out; the same thing applies to us. If you are recruiting the same way that you were recruiting back int he 90's or even last year-- than you my friend are missing out and losing the best talent to your competitors. The best way to use you network to stay abreast of the industry and its trends is as easy as joining an online industry related group/s and trust me when I tell you that there are hundreds to choose from. Don't be an outdated recruiter.

Just like anything else in life always remember that when you are planning to establish your network do it with a purpose, decide what image you want to portray and what your ultimate goal is. Also keep in mind that there are hundreds of social sites out there, some good and some that are not so good. So, take your time and do some research on which one's would benefit you the most and which one's will help you reach your ultimate goal. Start off slowly, join your top site and dedicate 10 to 15 minutes a day to it, once you have established a solid network and feel comfortable managing it, do some more research and see what other site you can use in conjunction with the one you are already a member of.
Remember, this takes time and will not happen over night-- but the benefits that you will get out of this will be endless. Recruiters are the faces, representatives, sales people, hiring force, social gurus, and experts of their company. So do your part and keep growing and developing yourself and your network. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your success. Good luck and I hope these tips are helpful.

1 comment:

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